The picture shows a paraglider hovering high in the air above a wooded mountain. Gentle hills and a valley with scattered villages and fields can be seen in the background.
Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku
Vysoko nad světem hor
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Volný jako pták: Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku

Co mě tady čeká?

Na Gitschbergu a v Rodenecku můžete využít nabídky tandemových letů a letů na paraglidu, které slibují krásné výhledy. Svěřte se do rukou profesionálních paraglidingových instruktorů, kteří společně s vámi určí místo odletu (podle směru větru), vysvětlí vám všechno k letu a bezpečně s vámi přistanou opět na zemi.

klouzavým letem
letem v termice

Co tady mohu zažít?

U tandemových letů z Gitschbergu můžete volit mezi klouzavým letem a letem v termice. Klouzavý let trvá asi 20 až 25 minut, let v termice okolo 45 minut. Navíc jsou nabízeny párové a skupinové lety. I v Rodenecku se nachází letecká škola, která nabízí tréninky a zkoušky.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Let na paraglidu v rekreační oblasti Gitschberg Jochtal mimochodem není jedinečně krásný jen v létě, ale i v zimě nabízí nezapomenutelné panoramatické výhledy.

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Jak se sem dostanu?

Škola paraglidingu na Gitschbergu má zastoupení jak v Mühlbachu, tak v Terentenu. Svůj let si můžete snadno rezervovat on-line nebo telefonicky. Startovací základna letecké školy v Rodenecku se nachází na Fröllerbergu, přistávací místo pak u Gifenu.

The picture shows two people soaring in the air together while paragliding. Below them is a green landscape with fields, a sports field and a small town. The people seem to be having fun and the pilot is holding a camera or selfie stick to capture the moment.
The picture shows two paragliders flying over a vast mountain landscape with densely wooded hills. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and green valleys and more mountains stretch out in the background.
The picture shows two people paragliding in the air while the sun is low in the sky and bathes the landscape in golden light. Mountains and a vast plain can be seen in the background, disappearing into a gentle mist.
The picture shows a paraglider soaring high above a mountain landscape. The sky is clear and blue, with a few scattered clouds, and you can see the silhouette of a mountain in the background.
The picture shows a person flying while paragliding and carrying a large plush bear in a harness in front of them. Below them are green fields and forests in a hilly landscape.
The picture shows two people soaring in the air together while paragliding. Below them is a green landscape with fields, a sports field and a small town. The people seem to be having fun and the pilot is holding a camera or selfie stick to capture the moment.
The picture shows two paragliders flying over a vast mountain landscape with densely wooded hills. The sky is clear with a few scattered clouds, and green valleys and more mountains stretch out in the background.
The picture shows two people paragliding in the air while the sun is low in the sky and bathes the landscape in golden light. Mountains and a vast plain can be seen in the background, disappearing into a gentle mist.
The picture shows a paraglider soaring high above a mountain landscape. The sky is clear and blue, with a few scattered clouds, and you can see the silhouette of a mountain in the background.
The picture shows a person flying while paragliding and carrying a large plush bear in a harness in front of them. Below them are green fields and forests in a hilly landscape.
The picture shows two hikers, a man and a woman, walking along a rocky path in a hilly landscape. They are surrounded by low, bushy vegetation, and in the background is a wide, wooded landscape with rolling hills under a bright, clear sky.
Dálková pěší trasa Dolorama
Bohatá na výhledy a požitky
The picture shows a paraglider hovering high in the air above a wooded mountain. Gentle hills and a valley with scattered villages and fields can be seen in the background.
Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku
Vysoko nad světem hor
Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku
The picture shows an idyllic landscape with a sloping wooden fence in the foreground, consisting of tapered, natural wooden slats. Behind it stands a single tree in a green meadow, surrounded by mountain peaks under a clear blue sky.
Alpská pastvina Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Sen milovníků přírody a historie
The picture shows a castle and a church perched on a steep cliff. Both buildings are surrounded by lush, green forest that stretches across the surrounding hills.
Zámek Rodenegg
Impozantní obranný hrad v údolí Eisacktal
The picture shows the view through a large, rust-colored metal pipe that is artfully pierced with leaf patterns. Outside you can see trees, a wooden fence and hills in the distance under a cloudy sky.
Cesta stvoření světa
Zastavte se, užívejte a odpočiňte si
Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku
Na běžkách po alpské pastvině Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Jemně, požitkářsky a vzletně