The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail
An enjoyable way to find inner peace
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Take a pleasant walk through the Creation

Here’s a foretaste

The Creation trail is a 6.4-kilometre walking path that starts by the Zumis car park, in Rodeneck, and leads to the Pianer Kreuz chapel. The eight themed stations along the way illustrate the creation as presented in the Bible, and the path itself offers several opportunities for pause and contemplation.

6.4-kilometre walking path
eight themed stations

The Creation trail in detail

Each of the art installations placed along the Creation trail portrays one of the stages of the creation, from the creation of the heavens, Earth, light, and the firmament to plants, celestial bodies, fish, birds and finally humankind. The trail ends by the Pianer Kreuz chapel, which invites visitors to pause, pray and meditate.

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Incidentally, the chapel was blessed and consecrated from a helicopter by none other than Pope Benedict XVI in 2008. The last station of the trail features an artistically decorated bench. The Creation trail takes about an hour and a half to complete.

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How to get there

As the starting point of the Creation trail is by the Zumis car park. You can get there quite comfortably by bus, with a regular service. Alternatively, you can drive there by car.

The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
The Creation trail in Rodeneck
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